Drone shot by Thomas MacBain of Hummingbxrd

(courtesy Tally Garfield)

(courtesy Tally Garfield)

Drone shot by Thomas MacBain of Hummingbxrd

Welcome to Cuttyhunk Historical Society and the Museum of the Elizabeth Islands!
The Cuttyhunk Historical Society operates the Museum of the Elizabeth Islands, a seasonal museum on Cuttyhunk Island, MA. The last island in the Elizabeth Islands chain, Cuttyhunk is located between New Bedford and Martha’s Vineyard. The Native American’s appropriately named the island for being half-way across Buzzards Bay.

Upcoming Exhibition
Hidden Histories: Shipwrecks of the Elizabeth Islands is an exhibit featuring stories and objects from maritime accidents between the late 1800s to the mid-1900s. From minor wrecks to major disasters, the material displayed in this exhibition brings voice to the hundreds who lived and worked along the seashore and sailed through the waters of the Elizabeth Islands.

- Sat, Jul 05Gosnold
- Sat, Jul 05Gosnold