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Sponsorships & Underwriting

Business, Corporate, Group Sponsorship​ and Underwriting

One of the ways businesses, corporations and groups can make a huge impact in the museum is by supporting exhibits and programs. With support like underwriting exhibit expenses, it's a win-win: the museum gets funding to put on terrific shows and the organizations that participate have thousands of residents and visitors each year see that they take an active role in making cultural experiences accessible in our unique island community. It's meaningful, collaborative, and vital to making our museum exceptional!​

$500 Level

  • A private group tour of the latest Museum Exhibit 

  • Display Corp/Business Logo

  • Decal for all attendees 

  • Receipt of our Quarterboard newsletter, recognition in our Annual Report, and free issues of our historical monograph publication(s)

$2,500 Level

$500 level, plus:

  • Acknowledgement and Thanks on Exhibit Bosworth or Akin Room Opening Panel

$10,000 Level

$500 level, plus:

  • Private Museum rental for an event

  • Private curator tour of museum and permanent wall acknowledgement

$1,500 Level

$500 level, plus:

  • Hosting your friends in an afternoon gathering on the CHS lawn or private home (depending on schedule) 

$5,000 Level

$500 level, plus:

  • Opening cocktail party and Special Behind-the-Scenes Tour of New Exhibits

  • Corporate Logo Acknowledgement in Exhibit Room and on marketing materials and promos

Please get in touch to sponsor/underwrite a specific exhibit or project for the Museum. Marketing of a business/corp/groups will be acknowledged within the Museum and in publications.



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© 2024 Cuttyhunk Historical Society

P.O. Box 181, 23 Tower Hill Road, Cuttyhunk, MA 02713 

Latitude 41° 25′ 10″ Longitude 70° 54′ 30″

(508) 984-4611

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