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Monographs are short research papers covering highlights of Cuttyhunk and the Elizabeth Island’s history.
A new monograph is published each year and is sent to all members as a benefit of membership. Monographs can be purchased for $1 each (plus shipping) by contacting the museum. Selected monographs are available for download free of charge. Please check back as new titles will be added as they become available.
Monographs are grouped by topic: People, Landmarks, History and The Elizabeth Islands. Some monographs may be listed under more than one topic.

Agassiz, Louis, The Legacy of
The Akin Family
The Alert 1917-1982
Allen, Holder
Brewer, Margaret (see: Wheeler, Hetty Shepard)
Church Family
Cuffee, Paul 1759-1817
The Cuttyhunk Cemetery
Daggett, Grandma
Gingrass, Norman
The Gosnold Monument
Hall, Irwin, C.
Hall, Winslow (see: Sarmento, Manuel and Winslow Hall)
Haskell, Louise Taylor 1894-1978
Homer, George & Frederick
The Jacksons of Cuttyhunk
Jones, Tom – Hero of Cuttyhunk
The Penikese Island School and Cuttyhunk Island’s People
Potter, Allan Louis
Presidential Sojourners
Reeves, Marjorie – Memoirs
Sarmento, Manuel and I. W. Hall, Two Islanders
Two Islanders (see: Sarmento, Manuel and Winslow Hall)
The Veeder Family of Cuttyhunk
Wheeler, Hetty Shepard and Margaret Brewer
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